We want our student athletes to be winners in life, as well as winners on the field of play. The lessons that we teach as a staff will follow our players for many years. As we model attributes such as sportsmanship, loyalty, hard work, unselfishness, and discipline our athletes will be learning valuable lessons for their lives. Our program will be successful because of the sound, positive lessons that our young men learn. Our mission as a football program is to provide the young men at our school with the greatest possible learning experience we can offer. Our first concern is the growth and development of the young men in our program. I believe in the establishment of positive relationships with these young men so that high school will be a rewarding life experience. I believe that it is imperative for our program to have rules and guidelines for our players to live by. Discipline will perhaps be the most important lesson that our athletes will learn by being part of our program. We will bend to meet the needs or our players, however, our rules will not bend.